I found myself this past weekend standing in Trinity Lutheren Church in Port Clinton, Ohio, listening to a oboe solo accompanying a recording of crickets, coyotes, and bullfrogs, and, having been assigned the post as "greeter," directing people where to sit, when to enter and exit, and where the pottys were. Had you told me an hour prior to that moment that in a mere 60 minutes I would have to assume a position of authority over a location I had never seen before, and then proceed to maintain that authority drenched in music I did not exactly embrace, surrounded by people from the Lake Erie Islands community that knew far more than I did, I would have had quite a laugh.
But, alas, there I was- amidst howling coyotes, stained glass disciples, and the arts-starved elderly... It got me thinking about locations in general, and I began to think what steps I had taken to get to that point. Born in OH, Raised in PA, Calvin in MI, OSU in Columbus, OH, and now at an Arts Festival in Port Clinton, OH. I remember at Calvin how frequently the question of "where are you from?" found its way into conversations. I feel I answered "a small town in Western PA...you've never heard of it..." a million times my first year. I remember listening to the missionary kids list the places they'd lived and thought either "Wow! How exciting!" or, on more gloomy days, "Man, I am so glad my answer is more normal!" Then came OSU, and the answer to that question became more difficult, because as much as I had loved growing up in PA, my time in Grand Rapids, MI, had molded me just as strongly, not to mention supplying me a husband with a history steeped in the area.
Then we were fortunate enough to log a number of travels...England, Scotland, Oregon, Texas, North Carolina, Florida, Napa, Maine, etc... and each place molded me just a little more. So, asked the question during my graduate work at OSU, where was I from? Well... do you want the short answer or none at all?
This is not to say that my life has been so exciting I just am overwhelmed by the prospect of answering one little question, or that I think my travels have been so extensive as to merit an identity crisis, but moreso that I wish to give credit to each locale that has informed who I am today. I think this goes for many people in my circle, most who have traveled far more than I. Our generation is more mobile than ever before, and...more homeless...when you think about it.
So, standing in that church in Port Clinton, OH, and thinking about where I had been to get to that moment, I realized how true it is that God is the Ultimate Event Planner. (A phrase I used some 13 months ago, when I was hired as an event planner against all odds, time constraints, and money pressures. It was used much to the excitement of my husband, who lives for the well-placed corny metaphor.) Had I started, 5 years ago, planning to make it to that moment, I would have screwed up to the point that I may not have ever made it to Ohio. I'm so glad it wasn't up to me. But, God, well, to not only create each of us in His image, but then to move us through this life, gathering information, travels, good and bad experiences, all to end up in His arms! And, finally, at the end, we are a confused mess of bad choices, shining moments, ugly mornings, uncontrolable laughter, misplaced anger, missed chances, pure happiness, expensive travels, and second thoughts. And He loves us for all of it. Thank goodness, huh?
The next time someone asks me where I'm from, I might answer Columbus, I might answer Michigan, I might answer a small town in Western PA...you've never heard of it. But that doesn't really matter, does it? It's not where we're from, but where we've been, and who controls where we're going...I'm just thankful it's not me! Because I couldn't have been blessed with as many experiences without Him.