Friday, October 14, 2005

Arrested Development: The most popular unwatched show on TV

So, Nick and I were recently turned on to Arrested Development, via Season 1 DVD lent to us by our dear friends Michael and Mandi Hutchins, and are positively addicted. We actually just purchased Season 2 yesterday, and are already well on our way into the absurd wonderfulness that is this show.

Knowing how it has been strangely received, as a critically acclaimed, unwatched, show, I was wondering how many of you have seen this show. I never know who to expect as an AD-addict. Knowing that most of the people who read this share a similar sense of humor, I think all of you would really enjoy it. That said, it is a show that is best watched from the beginning of the season to fully appreciate it. Good thing there are now 2 seasons on DVD!

As a student of the "absurdist" genre (of which AD is a Ionesco-perfect example), I LOVE this show...and would love to introduce it to more people!


Morgan said...

That is hands down my favorite show on television right now. Ryan Hoke bought the first season dvd's for me last christmas and I had seen a total of maybe 15 minutes, but I thought it was really funny. So I watched through that whole first season, and I was hooked. I actually just bought season 2 and am watching it right now. It's so fantastic. So next time I see you we'll have to quote AD for a while. Yay!

Morgan said...

Oh and one other thing I forgot to mention. Several of us have shared the thought: "Buster is the perfect Nick Dekker role."

Karl Boettcher said...

AD rocks. I actually watched the first season premier when it first came out on TV and thought, man I gotta watch that show ....when it comes out on DVD. "Hey Brother"

Karl Boettcher said...

As a sidebar, I'm quite sure I'm getting dumber. As I was reading this post I though, "What is Lonesco-perfect, must be some cool I've got a Masters in theatre thing" Or maybe I can't read. Wow

Jessie said...

Seriously, you guys, it's a great show. Tremendous.

Jacqui & Ryan said...

Hey hermano...Jacqui and I loves us some Arrested Development. We just ordered season 2 and can't wait till it finds its' way to our door step.

Jacqui & Ryan said...

i just love that i feel so normal reading the blogs of calvin friends...maybe it's common enjoyment of certain TV shows, or maybe it's the fact that i had the exact same momentary struggle as Karl with the word Ionesco in that font, but whatever it is, it feels good to be strangely united with a geographically distant community