Monday, December 05, 2005

Christmas Trees!

I've long not fully grasped the idea of Christmas Trees, but have always embraced it. So, we decided to make the trek outside of Columbus to rural Grove City, OH, to find and cut down our first Christmas Tree. Of course, Maeby had to come along as well!

We found the tree farm, grabbed a saw, and trotted into the field of little green triangles. Maeby thought it was fun to bite the saw. Once.

There were these holes interspersed throughout the field, where people had dug up trees. We thought it was great fun to throw a treat into the hole and see if she would get, we're awful people.

So we found our tree! And, after a brief family portrait, Nick and Maeby, armed with a saw and razor-like teeth (I'll let you guess who had the saw) set about cutting it down.

A tractor came and dragged it back to the barn, where they bagged it, and tied it to our car. Stay tuned for the completed product!!!


Jessie said...

Awesome! Way to bag a cool tree.

Can I ask to know more about why you have not understood Christmas trees but embraced them? I am interested in what's going on here.

Beth said...

I just think the whole cutting-down-a-tree-and-sticking-it-in-your-living-room then putting lights and tiny balls on it is weird. It just doesn't make any sense. I know that historically it symbolizes the trinity (the triangle shape of the tree), but beyond that, I just don't get it. But I love them nonetheless. And I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to have an artificial tree (though I totally get why people get them), I mean, if I'm going to participate in this bizarre tradition, why not go ALL out?

Karl Boettcher said...

In answer to your question, "Why not go all out" Sap, because of Sap. And some other things, but it works better as a joke it I just say one thing.

Beth said...

Sap? I never expected THAT sissy excuse from you, Karl! :)