Friday, November 07, 2008

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving...a little late...

Did you know that Wild Goose Creative is an international organization? Well, it IS! Our very own Jacqui Hoke is Canadian and that means........TWO THANKSGIVINGS!

We've celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving for the past two years and, let me tell you, the only thing better than one Thanksgiving dinner per year is TWO Thanksgivings per year.

We went all out this year, as usual, and everyone brought a dish.

This was also the night to celebrate Caitlin Foley and Abbey Meyer officially joining Wild Goose Creative!

Will has also just started noticing food and eating...I think he's gearing up for his first solid food in a few short months! I hate to break it to him..but I don't think rice cereal is nearly as exciting as a full mouth-watering feast!

1 comment:

Mandi said...

what a great shot of will staring at the feast...