Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Compost surprise!

This spring we started composting our kitchen scraps and some of our yard waste. We've put fruit, egg shells, coffee grounds, grass clippings, and more. Well, halfway through the summer I noticed a peculiar vine growing out of the bottom of the composter. Just out of curiosity, I let it go, and it slowly climbed up the back fence. Eventually I saw three fruit growing off the vine, although I couldn't tell what they were. First I thought watermelon... then I thought pumpkins... but finally last weekend I picked them and cut them open. And what were they? Cantaloupe! Very tiny cantaloupe.

So now the question is... what do we throw in the composter this year?

1 comment:

Greg said...

I don't know if I'd keep bringing up that criminal compost pile...