Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Intense Child: A Picturebook

I want to introduce you to my little man.

With a mother like me, it only follows that my son would be intense.

It's so cute when other moms talk about their quiet, easygoing babies. How nice for you.

Nothing else can turn a group of adults into squeaking, laughing idiots like Will breaking into a showstopping grin.

But he's a sneaky one... the second you think he's all calm and content...

...something sets him off...

...and with no explanation, he starts yelling at the top of his voice...

...and then he's fine again.

The End.


Thursday said...

With two theatre major parents, no wonder he wants to try out a range of emotions and see what effect they have on his audience.

He sure does have cute little smiles. :)

Mandi said...

you forgot to end your story with "...and they all lived happily ever after...regardless..." lol!

Lisa said...

I cannot WAIT to see him again in just a couple weeks! He's growing up so fast! The girls are hoping they can make him smile -- my guess is he'll either find them hilarious, or down right terrifying! :)

MLE said...

I believe that is how I got the nickname "fire and ice" at a very early age. And I'm sure the theatre genes are to blame!