Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Mistakes can happen...

Well, we had a bit of a surprise today at our ultrasound this morning! After taking another look at Baby D, Dr. Jenkins amended his previous guess and announced that Baby D is actually a




Rebecca said...

Is this an April Fool's joke?? Are you serious??

We saw the boy part with our own eyes, on this blog!! Tell us right now if this is a joke or not. You're messing with my head!

amandyanderson said...

Wait.....for real???? No way...

good thing your color theme is neutral?

is this a joke???


Mike said...

Earlier this morning I actually called Lisa to report the "news". She picked up on what MUST be going on here. I'm glad she realized it and that I didn't call Mom at work or something.

Dan said...

Well, I bought your kid a set of robes actually worn by Jake Lloyd during the filming of The Phantom Menace, but since you're having a girl I guess I will just return them.

Nick said...

Now that we know we're having a girl, we're thinking about naming her Surely, to complement our dog's name.

Anonymous said...

If this is a joke, I totally fell for it!

Rebecca said...

Wait, Mike, maybe you SHOULD call mom at work. That would be a great April Fool's joke. I bet she would totally fall for it.

Dan and I were saying that this must have been a really early doctor's appointment, if you were posting the news at 7:42 AM about the dr's appointment you had "earlier this morning."

Jessie said...

Oh good. I like girls more.

Kimberlee said...

there's already a box of maddie's old clothes in the mail. you shouldn't mess with hopelessly gullible people like myself! not funny!

please return the box when you receive it... :)

Kurt said...

That's so funny! We just found out Maddie is a Mattie... her little boy bits dropped yesterday.

Nick and Beth, keep the box of Maddie's old clothes. Dan, send those robes our way. Mattie has had a sudden affinity for light sabers, big-game hunting, and NASCAR.

~Kurt (Kim says, "that's so wrong")