Monday, February 11, 2008

The revealing picture!

Quick update! This is the picture from our January 31st ultrasound that told us Baby D is a Baby He! We had to wait until after the video reveal, because the doc labeled the picture so clearly for us. Next up: the big 20-week ultrasound this Thursday afternoon!


Lisa said...

We will be praying that all goes well for your ultrasound. The girls and Jake cannot wait to meet their new baby cousin! Jake is pretty psyched to know he will have another Dekker boy to play with. He figures it's about time!

Rebecca said...

I cannot believe you posted a picture of your baby's boy-parts on your blog! I personally find it hilarious. But for my nephew's sake, I hope that the parts-posting stops after he is born.

Beth said...

Yeah, I love how the doctor pointed right to it and marked it, just so there could be no question! I'm not too worried about my kid being too embarrassed...anyway, we have grandparents out there that are dying for ANY pictures of this kid!