Here's Maeby and Lindy (our friends Jack and Christina's dog, who we're dogsitting for a spell) peeking in the back door to see what's happening in the kitchen.
So it's been since late July that we've written anything on this blog, and I thought I'd write a little something. As of August 25th we've been moved into our new house. Expect pictures and/or a video explaining the house soon! The place is looking great overall, and again we have to thank all of our wonderful friends and family who offered spiritual and physical help in putting the place together (we're still tempted to call Ryan to ask where things are in the kitchen - he put it together). Already we've hosted our friend Zach over the Labor Day weekend; he tried out the guest bedroom and dubbed it worthy (hint hint). We were all surprised by the visit of our other friend Morgan over the weekend as well.
Job-wise, I have begun working full time again at Ohio State for the Theatre Department. For those who don't know, I was hired back by the Department as the Administrator and Lecturer for the Introduction to Theatre program. It's a large course (the largest on campus, I think) that involves two lecturers and nine graduate teaching assistants to handle it. In addition, I'm directing a short play called English Therapy for the Department, and may be teaching some extra classes in the winter or spring.
Beth is continuing her work for Paul Robinett's Aromatherapy Candles and Renetto, LLC (the canopy chair company). She's coming off a very busy summer, which saw the candles picked up by Bloomingdale's and the the canopy chair featured on and However, she is now aided by our good friend Karl Boettcher, who recently left his job at J.P Morgan Chase to become Operations Manager of the candle shop and canopy chair businesses. Nothing like working with your friends! They're now headed into a busy fall and busier holiday season (to give you a sense of it all... 2007 sales have doubled the 2006 numbers nearly every month, so imagine what these upcoming holidays will be like!).
Right now we're still settling in and tweaking the house: doing some landscaping, organizing rooms, throwing things away, setting up the music room (aka the basement). We're looking forward to cooler weather, when we can turn off the AC and put the screen in the front door. We can't wait for mornings of coffee on the front porch, apple picking, pumpkin everything, walks in our new park with Maeby.
Hope everyone's well!
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