Don't worry, no spoilers here!
This is my left wrist wrapped in seven wristbands so I could buy seven copies of the seventh and final Harry Potter. Since Beth and I have a membership to Barnes & Noble, I was the appointed one to buy all the copies of the book for ourselves and our friends. Karl and I lined up at 6 p.m. this past Friday to get a wristband for each copy we reserved. Then at midnight we braved the insanity that was the store to buy the books. Only Jessie, Libby, and I waited in the line, while the rest of our crew waited outside. Everyone around us was amused by the wristbands. Once we had the books, the booked it (get it!) for home, and we all spent Saturday secluded from each other reading the book.
Karl and I put together this genealogy of how to buy the books:
1. I called to reserve the books
2. I lined up to get a card
3. I turned in my card to get a wristband
4. I lined up at midnight
5. I used my wristband to get into my group (group 6)
6. I waited till my group was called
7. I lined up near the register to actually buy the book
8. I bought the book
What cracked us up is how many times we lined up to get permission to line up later.
So that's it. Let us know when you're done reading so we can talk about it!
Dan and I have both finished, and it is good to get back to the days when we are no longer reading the final book of the Harry Potter series-- sharing one book like that is hard.
Yeah, we started out the series by reading them aloud. But we read at such different speeds, that for the final one we bought two copies, read it, and then sold one of them to a friend.
I'm partway through my second reading. My first reading was the super-fast, spoiler-avoiding reading, and now I can read it in a more leisurely fashion.
I read over half of it in a room with a friend who was also reading it. It was the most reading I've EVER gotten done in the same room as someone else. Oh, the milestones....
Lisa and I are done and managed to share our way through it. I actually started a second read, but I don't know if I'll finish it. And then we saw HP5 in the theater yesterday. Life has been Potterific!
By the way, is 7 copies of book 7 kind of like being the 7th son of a 7th son? Some kid got to do rad stuff in a movie preview we saw because that's what he was. Man, I just realized that Annika is the firstborn daughter of a firstborn daughter of a firstborn daughter. Cool...
O-M-G! I just finished it and I'm very... well... let's just say J.K. wrote a good book with a fitting ending.
Looking forward to talking about it with you later.
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