Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Crushing Weight of Cliché

For those of you who have known me for, well, over two seconds, you know I'm a fairly dramatic person. I like being loud and extremist and especially over-expressive. I'm not sure why, because I don't like being the center of attention. In fact, that is a great fear of mine. But I am not the only one in my circle of [theatre] friends who would agree with the above statements.

I decided recently that this strange dichotomy responds to an inherent rebellion against cliché, in general. And by that I mean those film-like, run-of the mill, after-school special reactions, emotions, and moments that govern our lives. Even cliché relationships just rub me the wrong way- for example, the expectation that in-laws have to be so heinous? That idea is COMPLETELY foreign to me because my in-laws are AWESOME! But, still, people perpetuate the stereotype. And even reactions to news, whether good, bad, shocking, or saddening, always smack of been-there-done-that. Are human beings really SO limited to "And we have decided that the so-and-so award goes to...Jane Smith!" Jane: Oh! Me?!

I mean, Come On! ($5 to the first person who remembers "Jane Smith" and her heaving...oh, it happened!)

I just think that we should all be more inventive with our reactions! And if they need be stereotypical, so be it, but make them BIG! I think that by being dramatic, we will take a moment that can turn into a ABC classic "Daddy, I'm Their Mama Now", "Did you Hear What Happened to Angela?" or "Ace Hits the Big Time" special, and give it a "Anything Goes," "Les Mis," or "Rent" spin.

It's more entertaining, less expected, and better with Jazz Hands!

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