Monday, August 07, 2006

Easy as Contacts - Options - #1 - OK

We got new phones! I had my heart set on that sexy little pink RAZR number, but unfortunately, the Verizon version has received less-than-favorable here we are with our brand-new LGs. AND I will have you know, I sprung for the hot little bluetooth earpiece! Now I too will join the ranks of seemingly schizophrenic citizens talking to themselves in public. Awesome.

Of course, the obvious downside of switching phones is having to retype the contacts into the new one...yes, I know we can pay the $19.99 and Verizon will do it for us, but I enjoy this biannual ritual. I opened the list in my old phone, which almost immediately looks antiquated (how could I have LIVED without animation, mp3s and mobile web?!?!), and started with the top name, Abbey.

I continued down the list, alphabetically, and realized with a rush that all I had to do would be not transfer a name from one phone to another to all but delete them from my circle of communication. Immediately a call from those forgone contacts would come up as unrecognized. For a person who demands having immediate answers at her fingertips, deletion is not an option...but still, some contacts didn't make it to my new phone.

It is frightening on many levels the control we now have over the people with which we communicate...I only know a small handful of phone numbers by heart, and most of those are childhood contacts...none of which I call on a daily basis. If they're not in my phone, I not only won't call them...but I CAN'T call them. Scary.

I am going to make it a point this month to call each of the people in my contacts list at least once, because if I have this much control over my circle of communication, I can't blame anyone else for lapses in connection but myself.


Thursday said...

This weekend I wrote my phone number on a contact list, except I spliced my work line and my home number. I blame digital phone memory capabilities for degrading my mental phone memory capability. But really I should blame me.

Use it or lose it.

I do know people who don't use their digital phone memory on purpose. If they lose their phone or something, they'll still be able to call their friends and family for assistance.

Beth said...

Wow- I've never heard of someone who doesn't use their phone memory! That's smart- I've always wondered about that...what if you DON'T have your phone on you...or if you do, and your battery is dead...what happens then? So much for emergency purposes only!