Thursday, August 10, 2006

Bartender, Give Me 2 Hits of the Snooze Button

I am not a morning person. In fact, it doesn't matter how early I go to bed, how well I've slept, or how rested I feel after my shower. Getting up...actually WAKING just the most difficult thing for me. It always has been, and I thought it was going to get better as I got older because my parents get up at 3 AM or whatever every day and they seem fine with it! (We won't discuss the fact that they go to bed at 9:30 every night! :) Love you, Mom and Dad!) This Summer, I have moved my workouts to before work, which means a 6 AM wake-up time, 5 days a week. For most of you this is normal, and I commend you. For me, however, this was the challenge of a LIFE TIME. (Pun intended, but you can't make me like it.)

I also get very dramatic (I know, you're all SHOCKED!) in the morning, and tend to proclaim ridiculous grandiose absolutes within the first 15 minutes of being up. A small sampling:

"I am going to sleep all day on Saturday and Sunday!"
"I am never staying up to watch the Daily Show AGAIN!"
"I'm going to come home from work and take a 4 hour nap!"
"I am going to bed at 6 PM tonight!"
"I'm going back to bed- call in to work for me."
"I'm quitting my job."

I have yet to follow through on ANY of these promises, nor, as I said, do I really want to. I really feel badly for Nick, all sweet and kind in the morning, happy to get up and start the day...except for the fact that the duty has fallen to him to get me up. Poor thing. I don't hear the alarm, no matter how loud or annoying, so he has to wake me up. And that's a true feat for anyone to conquer.

Especially the other day, when I was 150% CONVINCED that it was Sunday morning. I was SO confused that Nick was trying to wake me up so early, and actually started getting angry at him and rolled away from him, burying my face in the pillow. Snooze Button. The alarm went off again, and he tried to wake me up. I said, "NO!" and I shove my head under the pillow. Snooze Button. Finally he said, "Beth, you have to go to work today" and I was like, WHAT THE HECK, IT'S FREAKING SUNDAY! But it wasn't. It was Wednesday. And 15 minutes later I was fine with it.

*****This post made possible by a fabulously large snooze button and my sweet husband's determination to kick me the heck out of bed. (Thanks, Sweetie!)*****


Morgan said...

Yeah, the getting up at 5:15am that I do to go workout can be pretty rough sometimes. Since I work from home two days a week, I generally always go workout during my lunch hour those days. However, being done with your workout first thing in the morning feels SOOO good. But doing lower body weights on Monday morning is about as brutal as you can get (that was this week).

And I totally hear you on the not waking up thing. I'm actually generally a pretty cheerful person in the morning, and I love being up early in the morning, but waking up is a whole different ball game. (my usual explanation is the "sleeping for me is like being under 6 feet of water in a pool. Hearing the alarm is like hearing something outside of the pool.")

Unknown said...

Mmm hmm. I was the same way. Strangly enough since the child has been around I find it much easier to wake. My guess is that I am always sleeping with one eye open now and I am never that in that deep of a sleep anyway. Not real sure on that one but maybe a glimmer of hope for your future...Good luck, Nick!

Abbey said...

I understand completely what you are going through, i have witnessed your dramatic mornings. But you failed to mention that it only happens when you have to wake up before 7:00. anything before 7 seems SOOOO early but 7:00 comes around and BAm (yes i said bam) everything is fine and life doesn't seem so dramatic.

Thursday said...

Why is it that the morning people and the non-morning people so often find themselves attracted? Is it because somewhere, deep down, the non-morning people sense that here, finally, is someone who will be able to get them to all of their early appointments on time? And somewhere, maybe not so deep down, the morning people find the non-morning people's not-so-quiet desperation hilarious?

Thank you for this post. It made me smile. Like this --> :) Except real. And not sideways.

Carl Meyer said...

I am trying to think of something witty and funny but I was up late with patients last night and up early for a meeting this morning and......well I'm still sleepy. Plus the drug salesmen have not brought bagels this morning so I'm sleepy and grumpy.
During last night's online class that usually goes from 7-9m the prof announced that if it was ok with everyone, the class next week will be from 8:15-10:15PM. Well the whole class cheerfully agreed, except me. I didn't have the courage to tell all that I cannot think well after 9pm, let alone answer LAW questions onto a computer. I suppose I will have to go along with the temporary change and prepare to be even more legally incoherant later in the evening.
Come to think of it, Beth, you are a bit bleary in the morning....