"What's silicone hydrogel?" you ask. Well, it's the material of which my new contact lenses are made.
That's right, baby! Yesterday I visited the OSU Optometry Clinic for a long-past-due eye exam. It's been 6+ years since I last visited Dr. VanDyke in Grand Rapids, and I figured it might be good to not ruin my eyes.
I went with an open mind to experience a glasses-less life, and overall the visit was simple and painless, in part because we're not during the whole dilate-your-pupils thing until next week. The optometrist was this awesome guy named Randy - easygoing, knowledgable, and very patient in teaching me to deposit and retrieve those silicone hydrogel badboys. (Note: I've never been a big fan of deliberately putting something in my eyes.) But he seemed all excited about the durability and breathability of these contact lenses. They also correct my slight astigmatism in my right eye. I walked out of the clinic marveling at seeing the world clearly without glasses falling off my face. I immediately called Beth to brag about how daring and brave I am.
Probably the best part of the visit came towards the end of the examination, as I was putting the contacts in for the last time. Suddenly the optometrist turned to me and said, "I just have to ask... are you a Christian?" I grinned from ear to ear and told him that I'd been wanting to ask him the same thing for a while. We laughed and marveled at how awesome it is that we can recognize each other just based on our behavior and the things we say. We chatted a little more and discovered that we actually both go to Worthington Christian Church! After the appointment he introduced me to his wife who was waiting downstairs, and I vowed to find them next Sunday to introduce Beth.