So, one of the events that we host here at Life Time Fitness is children's birthday parties. They are great fun to chaperone, especially when you get really active kids. I chaperoned two of these 3-hour parties yesterday, and learned a lot more than I thought I would.
Things I Learned from a 7-year-old's Birthday Party
1. Life is really just a game of freeze tag- just try to be the ones who un-freeze, and stay away from those who freeze.
2. Pizza is the best thing ever!...Wait!!! YOU HAVE CAKE?!?!
3. Gifts are great- whether they are given in pretty bags stuffed with tissue paper and ribbons, or in a brown paper lunch bag with "HAAPY BITHDAE!" scribbled on the side.
4. Small potato chip bags make great carpet-skis.
5. It's OK to be the one that bounces around the soccer field doing nothing in particular...until the big kid smashes into you.
6. Inhaling seven pieces of pizza, 2 cans Coke, 2 bags of corn chips and 3 pieces of cake makes people laugh...but you sick.
7. Kickball is a very important game, and needs to be taken very seriously. This is life or death stuff here. And don't get us started on T-Ball!
8. Dad is the best basketball player in the world.
9. Little sisters are SO stupid...but you touch her and I'll kick your butt.
10. The gym closet that Miss Beth accidentally left open a crack is a wonderland full of magical toys, flying machines, glittering balls, and untapped merriment beyond our wildest imagination.