Knowing how it has been strangely received, as a critically acclaimed, unwatched, show, I was wondering how many of you have seen this show. I never know who to expect as an AD-addict. Knowing that most of the people who read this share a similar sense of humor, I think all of you would really enjoy it. That said, it is a show that is best watched from the beginning of the season to fully appreciate it. Good thing there are now 2 seasons on DVD!
As a student of the "absurdist"
That is hands down my favorite show on television right now. Ryan Hoke bought the first season dvd's for me last christmas and I had seen a total of maybe 15 minutes, but I thought it was really funny. So I watched through that whole first season, and I was hooked. I actually just bought season 2 and am watching it right now. It's so fantastic. So next time I see you we'll have to quote AD for a while. Yay!
Oh and one other thing I forgot to mention. Several of us have shared the thought: "Buster is the perfect Nick Dekker role."
AD rocks. I actually watched the first season premier when it first came out on TV and thought, man I gotta watch that show ....when it comes out on DVD. "Hey Brother"
As a sidebar, I'm quite sure I'm getting dumber. As I was reading this post I though, "What is Lonesco-perfect, must be some cool I've got a Masters in theatre thing" Or maybe I can't read. Wow
Seriously, you guys, it's a great show. Tremendous.
Hey hermano...Jacqui and I loves us some Arrested Development. We just ordered season 2 and can't wait till it finds its' way to our door step.
i just love that i feel so normal reading the blogs of calvin friends...maybe it's common enjoyment of certain TV shows, or maybe it's the fact that i had the exact same momentary struggle as Karl with the word Ionesco in that font, but whatever it is, it feels good to be strangely united with a geographically distant community
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