Monday, September 14, 2009

A little boy and his dog

Whew! It's been a while since we've posted anything! Fortunately, we caught this video of Will and Maeby a couple days ago. Will has always loved Maeby. Even from his early days, he's followed her around the room with his eyes and laughed at all she does. As he's gotten more mobile and expressive, he's really learning to interact with her. Maeby, on the other hand, still only tolerates him. She's had to put up with him hounding her (ha!) and rattling the door of her kennel while she tries to sleep. But he's learned how funny it is to take one of her toys and run away, or to throw food on the floor during mealtime and watch her scramble for it. In this bit of video, he's been kneeling in front of Maeby a lot, trying to get her to sniff his head. It must tickle, because he hunches up his shoulders and laughs whenever she does it. Also, look for the moment when he shakes his head back and forth in front of her face. He's trying to give her Eskimo kisses!

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