Saturday, February 07, 2009

Really, Really, Ridiculously Good-Looking

We're pretty sure that Will is going to be a male model. I mean, he's got the looks down!

Blue Steel:

Le Tigre:



He's still working on it. It's gonna blow us all away. I shouldn't even be talking about it.


Kimberlee said...

laugh! i have no other comment...i'm just still laughing!!

The Heddens said...

i agree with kimberlee. just laughing....

Kurt said...

"It's Will. He's so hot right now."
- Mugatu, World Famous Fashion Designer

Mike said...

It should be fun when Will is gassing up his car with his other modeling buddies someday.

Nick said...

Yeah, Mike, we're trying introduce him to Orange Mocha Frappaccinos as soon as we can.

Kurt said...

At least you know he's bound to love WHAM! like his father. Are you ever going to part with your autographed-cassette collection?