Friday, January 09, 2009


As I knew I would say, I can't believe my little Boo is six months old already! He is a giant baby, and has been wearing 12 month clothing for about 5 weeks now. He had his 6 month check up yesterday, and is 19 pounds 11 oz, which is the 85th percentile. He is 28.5 inches long/tall, which puts him OFF THE CHARTS for height. The nurse just marked down 99+! :)

He has been sitting up on his own since the week before Christmas, which is so fun to watch him play by himself or play with him. He loves toys and books, and his wooden blocks and teething rings. Then, on Christmas day, Nick and I were playing with him on the floor and he popped up on his hands and knees and started rocking back and forth. We told the doctor yesterday, and he said "well, that certainly puts him well ahead of the game!" Great. He's going to be crawling in no time! I thought I would get at least a few more months of I-set-you-here-and-you-stay-there!

He is an absolute joy of a child who smiles and laughs at everyone and everything. We adore seeing him learn and "get" things. His newest tricks include making little noises so we will look at him, reaching for me when I walk in the room, and holding himself up on his walker. Of course, chewing, drooling, pooing, and puking are all still favorite pastimes.

**And, a little note to all those pediatricians out there (yeah, you, too, Dad!), what are you thinking with the butcher paper on the exam table? Are you expecting my child to just sit nicely and not destroy it the minute he wiggles and squirms and drools? Save a tree (or a butcher) and just wipe the exam table with some 409.


The Heddens said...

We like to bring a pickle into the exam room and lay it on the table next to Cameron in case the doctor wants to wrap it all up for a to go order.

Thursday said...

You didn't mention that he's a morning child who doesn't care WHO gets him out of his crib. Having a little morning hang-out time with Will was a highlight of my weekend. :)

Mandi said...

ummm...i COMPLETELY agree with the butcher block paper. what a TOTAL waste! he is SO BIG! ezra was the same way! i hope you are able to use the clothes from us!