Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Last night we enjoyed our first Halloween with Will! He spent the event dressed as a pumpkin, while we sat out on the porch and gave out candy. He seemed to enjoy what was going on, although he eventually fell asleep on Beth's shoulder.

We saw a wide range of costumes over the evening, everything thing from the I'm-too-old-to-be-trick-or-treating sweatshirt-wearers to numerous Batmans, princesses, a James Bond, a veterinarian, a stormtrooper, a cow, a zombie doctor, and a handful we couldn't identify. We even had one little boy dressed as a monkey who took the time to thank each and every one of us on the porch. Cute!


Rebecca said...

He's so tall!! He's almost half your height already, Nick!

Jessie said...

Oh tiny pumpkin!