I promise pictures to come of our weekend with Kim and Kurt, but, until then, I give you, WILL IN A SWING!
Will has always been very active, kicking and reaching and wanting to sit and stand up. Recently, he has been making motions to try and sit up from laying down, but his little ab muscles aren't strong enough yet, obviously. But we thought the baby swing would be a good activity to keep him busy.

It's a bit big for him, but we stuffed the sides with a blanket to keep him upright, and he had a good time tapping his feet on the ground and spinning around to stare at the toilet. He seemed pretty happy with it, and cried when we took him out of it!

This little device just might allow me to get some dinner cooked for once!
It did for me! Finn growing out of his jumper swing was a sad day.
Sounds like it might work if you are cooking dinner in the bathroom.
Hopefully his current fascination with the toilet is a good sign for the future.
Does anyone call it a Johnny-Jump-Up? That sounds awfully brand namey to me, but that's all we ever called it. Anyway - every time I see Will I think of the picture of him with Beth's grandpa from a few months ago. Eerie similarity.
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