Monday, August 18, 2008


I'm surprised that the two most frequent questions I get now are "Is Will on a schedule yet?" and "Is Will sleeping through the night yet?" Because of the frequency of these questions, I'm assuming that these are some of the first goals of a new parent. Until now, I've just tried to go with the flow - but now that going back to work is seemingly around the corner, I'm realizing that - for everyone's sanity - we need to set more of a schedule. So here goes nothing!

So, yes, Will is starting on a schedule and we're working on sleeping through the night...your prayers are coveted!


Unknown said...

Yeah, since everybody's asking, that must be it! The best advice I received on getting the baby in a routine is for *me* to be on a routine. Easier said than done!

Best of luck - we need to get over and see that little cutie soon.

Katelyn said...

We'll definitely be praying for all three of you! And, that is one of the sweetest pictures of Will!

The Heddens said...

dude. everyone keeps asking me that too. is he sleeping thru the night? he eats every 2 - 3 hours! how is he supposed to sleep thru the night? that's a really short night. my "routine" right now is to get at least 2 non-baby things done a day. like today it was to call disability about my missing check and unpack a box. that's right, A box. one. and i did it. i feel accomplished.