Friday, August 08, 2008

10 Things I've Learned in 1 Month of Motherhood

1. It DOES get better! Everyone ISN'T lying!

2. Everything your child does is the most spectacular thing you've ever seen, and clearly he is the most brilliant child ever.

3. Adult conversations no longer center around the finer points of a piece of art or the nation's current events; your child's sleeping habits and bowel movements (frequency, color, consistency) are far more interesting.

4. Traveling to public places with your baby might feel like you're carrying a ticking time bomb, but more people understand than you might think.

5. Just because your child is crying doesn't make you a bad mother.

6. Trust your instincts. You know more than you think you do.

7. Cloth vs. disposable diapers, cradle vs. nursery sleeping, breast vs. bottle, pacifier vs. not...whatever. Do what's best for you and love your kid.

8. The generosity of your already-amazing friends and family never ceases to blow you away.

9. Learning how and when to feed is very hard, and breastfeeding proponents can be very intense, but you'll eventually find something that works for you.

10. It is possible to miss your child after being away from him for a few minutes.


Mandi said...

amen to all of those, sister! sounds like things are going great! we got the announcement today! i must say, i am quite impressed, as usual! impressed by them in general and impressed at your promptness. did you make all of those yourself? or was that a goose craft project? either way, i LOVED them. LOVED how you told us why the names are important to you. that was really great! we would love to meet will sometime in the near future. maybe we could look toward september for a possible visit...something to think about 'cause i know you don't have enough to think about as it is...keep on truckin'!

Dominique said...

Beth every thing you said was right on. It is amazing how your life changes in a moment.

amy said...

so true - all of it!