Saturday, July 05, 2008

A freshly-born Will!

I took this video just a few seconds after Will was born. Once Dr. Ruedrich took him out, they showed him to us briefly (I have a short video snippet of that that I'll share later), then brought him to the pediatric folks who cleaned him off and checked him out. I followed them over to the warmer and listened to our little guy start bawling. At the very end of the video, you'll see they're handing me scissors to trim his umbilical cord.


Mandi said...

this video made me cry! congratulations! when ezra heard this baby cry he looked at me and laughed nervously, as if to say, "ummm....did you have another baby that's living in the computer that i don't know about?" i am so happy for you both and that everyone is doing well! we love you and will continue to pray for you as you settle into your new life with your little william.

Kurt said...

Ok, I'm with Mandi. This totally made me teary. Getting to see your little Will right out of the womb must have been amazing!

My favorite part is hearing you (Nick) giggling so proudly. I can sense the relief and joy.

Love you guys and am SO stoked for you. He is such a cute, sweet baby. You're going to be A-Mazing parents :)
