Sunday, November 11, 2007

New Post from Summit Street!

Look at that... it's November already! We totally missed posting at all in October. Amazing.

We don't have any huge updates at this moment, so I'll post some pictures from the past couple weeks. We've settled pretty well into the house and have hosted a number of visitors, including Mom & Dad Dekker, the entire Meyer family, Grammie & Pop-Pop Richards (Beth's maternal grandparents), our friend Zach Vicha from Chicago, and most recently our friends Brad & Kimberly Nydam from Grand Rapids. Here's some pics from the big family weekend:

Here's Vitaly trying out Maeby's doghouse.

Making full use of the dining room... and the den.

And a family picture on the porch.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That porch is delightful!