Our terrible view of the ocean from the house, Captain's Quarters.
Our terrible view of the ocean from the beach.
Beth found an inexpensive inflatable island at Sam's Club that we brought it down this year. Amazingly enough, it survived the wear and tear of vacation. It sat a large number of people, and thus was lots of fun when hit by a wave...
...as exampled here.
Brave Vitaly holding the baby shark he caught while surf fishing.
Dad Meyer and Uncle Ted fishing.
One of the finds this year was the Old Gray House, an early 1800's house on Hatteras Island that's now a gift shop run by an old couple. It's absolutely packed with shells and beach knick-knacks. I don't know how we missed it after all our years down at the shore.
Beth and I trying to capture some publicity shots featuring Paul Robinett candles and the Atlantic Ocean. Hint: waves = unpredictable.
I'm not sure how brave it is to hold onto a shark while simultaneously depriving it of oxygen. Grabbing it out of the water is another thing entirely.
Considering that he usually screams and runs away when you throw pieces of dead crab at him, this was a big step. And considering that Vitaly has survived for so long with so many older brothers and sisters... well, that makes him rather courageous.
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