Friday, May 11, 2007


The title of the post should be belted/growled like Strong Bad.

I'm sure many of you received Beth's e-mail yesterday, but... it's fun to reiterate. Yesterday morning I defended my dissertation and passed my oral examination. It was really more of a conversation, but my adviser and readers posed some tough questions and made me sweat through my shirt. Overall, though, I feel pretty good about my answers, and their questions will help shape my final revisions. My adviser, Dr. Tom Postlewait, and I will work to revise my introduction (which may become two separate chapters), my conclusion, and my freakin' awesome appendix (a 40+ page calendar of important productions/events in London from 1889-1918). We'll take a couple weeks to do the revisions, and I should have it uploaded (we get to submit it electronically, which saves a LOT of trouble) by May 25th.

So I'm confused now... when do you get to call yourself Dr.? Is it now? Is it officially after graduation (I suppose TECHNICALLY it's after the University president confers the degree at commencement). But when is that? Not that I'm dying to sign everything "Dr. Nicholas Dekker" just yet (okay, yes I am!), but... I'm curious when these little landmarks take effect. No one really teaches you these things!

Our commencement (Ohio State's 380th, by the by) is Sunday, June 10th in the Ohio Stadium. I'll be one of the handful of students who actually have their name read. There's no limit on tickets, so anyone is welcome to come down. And our commencement speaker is President Clinton, so if you're dying to hear him speak... now's your chance! (We were disappointed that both Jon Stewart and Barack Obama turned us down, though...)

So a special thank you to all the friends and family who have seen Beth and I through this process. It's been a long five (five?!) years of first the master's and now the Piled-Higher-and-Deeper. This is a dream come true, I guess... there was always this part of me that thought this degree was unattainable, like it would be too hard or too much work or something. Although that certainly didn't stop me from doing it!


P.S. Oh, and I also found out pretty officially yesterday (as in, the Department Chair called me into his office and told me) that I'll be back at Ohio State next year (and possibly a second!) leading Intro to Theatre AND teaching some other classes. Woohoo! I wonder how good faculty and staff football seats are...


Kurt said...

Nick... errr, Dr. 'Darkbeer' Dekker!!! Congratulations! I'm so stoked for you and can't wait to hear more of how it went.

Dang, 'Dr. Dekker' has a great ring to it. Did you plan this little bump in the road? Just kidding... what an accomplishment!

Nice job and can't wait to chat. Hopefully since you're done with this, you'll be able to put some more time in on your blog :)


Kurtis Lee 'Bing Butt' 'Red Meat Outlate' Olmsted Sr.

Rebecca said...

Hey Dr.,
At UK, they post signs such as "Congratulations, DR. Dekker," on the person's office door after they defend. So technically, you may not be one until you get your degree, but I think you can call yourself one anyways.

I always thought Dr. Dekker sounds an awful lot like Dr. Pepper. At least, that is my fear about getting a doctorate.

Katie said...

I'm so proud of you!!! Congratulations, Nick!

Thursday said...

"Dr. Dekker" sounds like he might be a Strong Bad character. We should all send in emails signed "Dr. Dekker" and see what we can do about making that character a reality.


Carl Meyer said...

I still am just a little intimidated by the term doctor in front of my name and it has been 30 years! Hard to believe. If you read the recent post on my blog, I was a little "full of myself," as they say, for a little while. Down to earth I came a few times.
I don't think you will have that trouble, Nick, I am very proud of you.
OSU sounds like a good mission field for you; don't forget to tell all the Good News.

Jessie said...

Woo hoo yay!

bethanyjoy said...

Piled Higher & Deeper...made me laugh. I hope to be in a similar boat, but it'll be probably 5+ years. Sigh.

Cygnet said...

Congratulations, Nick. I defended my diss the week before. Who would have thought that so many Drs. would come out of First Bolt?

Nearly-Dr. Swanson

Joel Swagman said...
