Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I was just the recipient of a random act of kindness, and I am so humbled by it, I just had to share it. A woman who shops in the candle shop a lot just stopped by and said that I had commented on liking her purse a number of times before, which she had gotten on her annual medical mission to Cambodia. She then reached in a bag and handed me a STUNNING aqua and chocolate brown purse. She said she had been going through her car and found an extra one and decided to bring it by and give it to me. I just can't believe it...

She wouldn't take money, but I set her up with some candles...just a small token of appreciation that she has absolutely made my week and restored my hope in humanity. See? Multiple purses DO have purpose! And random acts of kindness DO matter!


Carl Meyer said...

I love when that happens.

Katie said...

That's amazing!!! And it totally helps that the purse is really HOT.

Unknown said...

I hope you had a happy birthday! It was recently your birthday...I think.

Ryan said...

Seriously. It's so cool when that happens. I love it mostly because it's unexpected and I love being surprised by people's capacity for being generous. It's always nice to be reminded that there's something about simply being fellow human beings that can spur us to be kind to each other, often for reasons we ourselves don't fully understand.

ALSO that is a nice purse. Really nice. Can I borro--I mean...um...something manly...um...so, did you catch the big game?...Go Bucks?...nevermind...