Thursday, July 20, 2006

iChat with youChat?

Recently we hooked our digital video camera up to the ol' iBook and discovered the joy and ease of video conferencing. On Tuesday night we did a four-way chat with the Meyer fam in Greenville, sister Kate in New York, Chip and I upstairs, and Beth and Abbey downstairs. For a while we included friend/new next door neighbor Karl in the conference, too. Way too much fun for our own goods.

So for all of you out there using AOL's instant messenger or on an Apple with iChat, just look up the .Mac user name ndekke39 for a little bit of visually-oriented conversation!


Katie said...

That was some of the most fun I have had in quite some time... but it made me miss you all horribly. Remember-- no fun without me!

Adrian said...

Nick Dekker you're my hero. Now shut up and get back to work! No talking!